PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite3 storage for BackboneORM


npm install backbone-sql


BackboneSQL provides an interface for BackboneORM models to persist to PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite3 databases.

BackboneSQL translates the BackboneORM query syntax to SQL via the Knex query builder.

This page outlines backbone-sql specifics, see BackboneORM for more general information.

Schema definition

Fields are specified in the models schema property. Each (non-relation) field corresponds to a database column.

Each field must have a type and may be provided with the additional options.

An auto-incrementing field named id is automatically created as the primary key for each model.

To supply options the field descriptor is passed as an array, with the first item being the field type and a settings object as the second.

Available types

All types supported by Knex are available. Add column specific options along with the settings object for the field. The first letter of the type name is optionally capitalized, while the remainder must be camelCase.

Common field options

These options may be applied to any field. Note that column options are currently only applied when the columns are created.

  • nullable: Defaults to true. Set to false to throw an error on null values.
  • indexed: Defaults to false. Set to true to create an index on the column.
  • unique: Defaults to false. Set to true to create a unique constraint on the column.
class Project extends Backbone.Model

  # Database connection and table name are specified with the urlRoot
  urlRoot: 'postgres://username:password@localhost:27017/projects'

  # Schema defines the fields for the model's table
    created_at: 'DateTime'
    type: ['Integer', nullable: false]
    name: ['String', unique: true, indexed: true]

  # Kick it off by setting the model's sync to an SQLSync
  sync: require('backbone-sql').sync(Project)
var Project = Backbon.Model.extend({

  // Database connection and table name are specified with the urlRoot
  urlRoot: 'postgres://username:password@localhost:27017/projects',

  // Schema defines the fields for the model's table
  schema: {
    created_at: 'DateTime',
    type: ['Integer', {nullable: false}],
    name: ['String', {unique: true, indexed: true}]

// Kick it off by setting the model's sync to an SQLSync
Project.prototype.sync = require('backbone-sql').sync(Project);


Database helpers are provided via the DatabaseTools class to get models up and running with ease.

Use ModelType.db().ensureSchema(done) to non-destructively sync models with their database tables.

# Using our Project model from above
db = Project.db()

# Quick and easy table creation
db.ensureSchema (err) ->
  # The model's table will be created if it doesn't exist
  # Each field will have a corresponding column created if one does not exist
  # Join tables for manyToMany relations are created automatically

# Resetting a table
db.resetSchema (err) ->
  # The model's table will be dropped and recreated
  # Related join tables will be too

# Create a new table
# After createTable is called we can build up a schema to be executed in one call
db.addColumn('a_column', 'String', {indexed: true, length: 500})
# Call end to execute the pending operations
db.end (err) ->
  # Table created
// Using our Project model from above
db = Project.db();

// Quick and easy table creation
db.ensureSchema(function(err) {
  // The model's table will be created if it doesn't exist
  // Each field will have a corresponding column created if one does not exist
  // Join tables for manyToMany relations are created automatically

// Resetting a table
db.resetSchema(function(err) {
  // The model's table will be dropped and recreated
  // Related join tables will be too

// Create a new table
// After createTable is called we can build up a schema to be executed in one call
  .addColumn('a_column', 'String', {indexed: true, length: 500})
  // Call end to execute the pending operations
  .end(function(err) {
    // Table created